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Legal Disclaimer

To book and pay for a reading is an agreement of the following disclaimer, terms and conditions.

A Message From Justine - please read the following disclaimer, term and conditions regarding having a spiritual art reading with myself.

All spiritual art psychic readings from myself, Justine Stroud, are intended to highlight any situation or emotions that you are experiencing to help you make the best decisions for your own life, which is solely your responsibility. I am not responsible for any action or inaction resulting from your reading.  You agree to take full responsibility for your life, including your spiritual, physical, emotional and mental health well being.

Each reading is experimental, no claims are made and outcomes can not be guaranteed. Information can only be given based upon the communications that are received through the spiritual connections. 

Justine Stroud will not be held liable for emotional stress, loss of income or damages thought to be caused by having a reading and also will not be held liable for the personal injury or death resulting in any fradulent or negligent misrepresentation. Justine Stroud can not make any pledges, guarantee
s or assurances regarding the information that may arise from a reading. Justine can also not be held to be liable or responsible for the actions you take following a reading. You and you alone are responsible for any action you take after any reading.

Any opinions or viewpoint expressed by myself in a private reading is not to be thought of as a psychological or medical diagnosis or proposed action for any disorder. When you agree to a reading with a psychic medium, you must accept that you will not be give
n a diagnosis of an illnessess, death or pregnancy. Any information that arises during a reading is for general knowledge only. Do not dismiss advice from a qualified expert based upon any insights resulting from my readings. All readings provided by Justine Stroud should not be used as a physical or mental diagnosis or used as a substitue for seeking treatment and care for a medical or psychiatric disorder from a qualified counsellor or G.P.

Justine Stroud is not liable for any incidental, direct or indirect, consequential or punitive damages arising from having any readings. Also, please be aware that Justine Stroud does not represent that any reading with myself will meet your expectations or requirements and make no guarantees to quality and accuracy of her readings or outcomes taken by her sitters following a reading.

All readings that I carry out are kept completely confidential, however, any information on abuse or of a criminal nature may have to be notified to the proper authorities. All spiritual psychic art readings aims to give an awareness into someones life and does not in any way, provide advise of any financial, professional or legal kind.  

Terms & Conditions

Anyone who uses this service must be 18 years and over.  By booking a reading with Justine Stroud you are agreeing to the terms of service, legal disclaimer and privacy policy. Any email address given is only used to arrange a reading and is never passed on or given to anyone else or any other company. 

This website and all the contents in it are protected by copyright law. No content, information or image should be used, reproduced, misused or passed on in any way without the permission of Justine Stroud.

Booking a reading: Email Justine Stroud at to request a reading.  A reading
must be paid for in full  before the reading takes place, please request my bank details to make a payment. All readings cost £25. Once a payment has been made a date and time can be chosen to have the reading or if it is a online reading a Zoom link will be sent by email. Please provide your email address.

Reading cancellations: If a reading is cancelled at least 24 hours before the reading takes place a full refund will be given, if there is less than 24 hours notice then no refund will be given but the reading will be offered to be rescheduled. 

Appointment Privacy: All information discussed during a reading will remain private and confidential.

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